Monday, September 05, 2005


Hahaha... apasal pulak aku letak gambar pisang ni? Hehehe...

I was going thru some old pics that I shot using my SONY Cybershot digital camera. I love photography! I love taking photos of nature. In fact, I was too obsessed with scenery shots that most of the pics that that I took during my honeymoon were not even pic of both of us. Here's a sample pic that I took on our honeymoon...

Hahaha... that's something to take home from one's honeymoon, eh? Okaylaa.. here's more from our honeymoon... this is my wife...

And this is my wife between my legs... hahaha... muka pucat habis...

And this is me...

Menyanyi dengan penuh perasaan. Karaoke session at Colmar Tropicale on our honeymoon. Photo taken by my wife 'coz she can't sing.. pitching berterabur...

I can sing well, so I've been told. Nak masuk Akademi Fantasia... I'm too old. Malaysian Idol pun dah terlajak usia... nyanyi kat dalam bilik air jelaa... or macam gambar ni... syok sendiri, nyanyi dengan penuh perasaan... feel habis...

"Sonata Musim Salju" beb... that's one of my karaoke favorites. Yang lelain tu Kau Ilhamku (Man Bai), My Way (Frank Sinatra), Jangan Ada Benci (Casey).

Pernah gak at one time masa solo dulu on our family trip I went down to the karaoke lounge lepas gian sorang-sorang. Siap nyanyi dengan lady bartender tu lagi. Duet lagu Hero (Mariah Carey)... hehe... My dad had to search for me before going out to dinner.

I just love to sing.


Jane said...

Hi! Great blog. Congrats on yr achievement on song-writing. I've always wondered whether the lyrics get written before the melody or is it the other way around? Care to enlighten? Tks.

shake said...

Hi there jane,

Thanks. It depends on the composers. Sometimes they want to look at the lyrics first before coming up with the melody. But for lyricists like me, it's better to get the melody first. It's easier for me to hum the tunes to get the best word sound (or syllables)that would suit the melody.